
For more recent media coverage of the National Coalition to Save Our Mall and our 3rd Century Initiative, click here. |
The Dallas Morning News, June 12, 2006, "Summer in D.C.: Save the Mall from cluttered tourism hell" from Editorial page. |
DC Examiner, May 15, 2006, "Building a 'Third Century Mall'" by Mike Rupert. |
Editorial in The Washington Post, December 10, 2005, Rethinking the Mall. |
The Washington Post, December 9, 2005, "Reimagining a Mall That Has Outgrown Itself" by Petula Dvorak. |
The Dallas Morning News, November 28, 2005, "A Sore Sight for Eyes: Better coordination could help clean up Mall" from Editorial page with Judy Scott Feldman interview. |
DC Examiner, November 10, 2005, "A 'Third Century' Mall: Citizens group envisions expansion" by Karen DeWitt. |
Weekly Standard, August 15/22, 2005, "The Mess on the Mall: Confusion reigns supreme on America's promenade," by Andrew Ferguson. |
The Hill, April 12, 2005, "Senate to Consider National Mall," by Jackie Kucinich editor of The Post's editorial page. |
Op-Ed in The Washington Post, March 21, 2005, by Fred Hiatt, editor of The Post's editorial page. |
The latest media coverage from The Northwest Current